By CyVent

Choosing the Right Cybersecurity Monitoring System: Tips and Tools


Cybersecurity monitoring is a crucial pillar in a holistic managed detection and response (MDR) strategy. Many conventional cybersecurity monitoring tools no longer merely aim to prevent attacks through detection; they now also simultaneously respond to threats, often in real time. At the same time, the emergence of generative AI threatens to pull the rug out from underneath the best-established tools and mandates the need for a new level of thinking and action. 

This write-up will examine various cybersecurity monitoring solutions, which ones best leverage AI and machine learning (ML), and how to determine the right one for your organization. 

Cybersecurity Monitoring is a System, Not a Tool 

Effective cybersecurity monitoring leverages several technologies, each of which addresses a different threat surface in your business. While there used to be a bright line between monitoring for threats and preventing them, that is no longer the case in today's AI-enhanced threat landscape. The vast majority of modern cybersecurity monitoring tools leverage information obtained through analytics to simultaneously prevent attacks, frequently utilizing AI and machine learning to adapt to both known and unknown threats. 

Cybersecurity Monitoring Tools

Endpoint Monitoring

Modern endpoints include more than mobile devices. Endpoints frequently incorporate gateways into cloud storage and virtual machines. This threat surface is ideally suited to an AI-based solution that automatically detects suspicious pattern changes while simultaneously preventing unauthorized changes.  

Encryption Monitoring

Encryption protects sensitive data as it travels to and from users and is also a crucial component of business and industry standard compliance. An organization may have a huge variety of data that flows through multiple points, all necessitating different types of encryption. An AI-based encryption scanner can assist human diligence and expertise in spotting gaps in an encryption protocol.  

Intrusion Detection

The most fundamental part of any cybersecurity monitoring suite is continuous intrusion detection, or catching the threats that have gotten through security measures. Modern intrusion detection programs, however, may also incorporate penetration testing. “Pen testing,” as it is known within the cybersecurity industry, uses data from past threats and what is known about the current threat environment to identify existing vulnerabilities within your system. In doing so, an effective intrusion detection program not only identifies where breaches have occurred but can prevent attacks altogether. 

A combination intrusion detection program is where artificial intelligence and machine learning become immensely powerful tools in protecting your systems. Generative AI and ML technologies can collect, analyze, and, in some cases, even respond to an ever-changing threat environment in near real-time. That’s why when selecting an intrusion detection program, it’s important to ensure it includes both defensive mechanisms — the intrusion detection itself — as well as a pre-emptive pen-testing feature.

Compliance Monitoring

Internal policies stem from lessons learned, and verifying continuous compliance with them is a crucial component of building a resilient security stance internally. Industry and regulatory standards change in response to rapidly evolving attack methods and threats, making this an extremely complex area of cybersecurity monitoring. While automation can detect gaps and alert when changes are necessary, this is one facet of cybersecurity monitoring in which AI-based technologies working in tandem with humans are essential. (Check out the Strengthening Cybersecurity Resilience case study featuring BH Compliance) 

Network Monitoring

Network monitoring now includes far more than a basic firewall. AI-enhanced protection stops known and unknown threats by utilizing machine learning in real time. When selecting a network monitoring tool, take the time to learn about and assess whether it is using machine learning or other advanced technologies for maximum effectiveness and longevity.

Other Niche Monitoring Tools

Other cybersecurity monitoring tools will be highly specialized for industrial applications or, alternately, simply target a hyperspecific niche of an organization's threat surfaces. This could include bespoke, automated email protection systems or in-person social engineering tests. 

Selecting the Right Cybersecurity Monitoring Tools

Every cybersecurity monitoring tool system has two traits. First, the tools will create continuous, nonstop monitoring of your organization's systems and vulnerabilities. Second, cybersecurity monitoring tools today evolve quickly to adapt to current threats and maintain a resilient, preventative posture. 

Choosing the right cybersecurity monitoring tools can be daunting. Some general thoughts to consider are the following: 

Step back and evaluate your largest threat surfaces. Does your organization rely on a large number of endpoints? Or is your network a higher-priority vulnerability? Cybersecurity is never a one-size-fits-all solution, and that includes monitoring tools. Though all the tools listed will be necessary components of any cybersecurity monitoring suite, your organization may require more robust protection in one sector than another. 

Organizational maintenance capability. Just as threat monitoring is a continuous, never-ending process, so is the maintenance and upkeep of the tools doing the work. Your regulatory compliance tool will mean little without someone to reassess and update it periodically. Tools help people, which means there must be enough qualified people available for the tools. 

Be specific about the threats you want to prevent. Cyber threats vary in their objectives. They may aim to take entire organizational systems down or illegally obtain data. Clarity around your security goals is foundational to ensuring you select the proper tools. Though it's important to have a comprehensive threat prevention strategy, it's equally important to address your highest-priority vulnerabilities. 

Go Beyond Monitoring with CyVent

Adopting a holistic approach to managed detection and response is essential for protecting your organization's assets. By integrating advanced technology with human intelligence, you can create a robust security program that effectively detects and responds to threats.

CyVent works closely with leading cutting-edge specialists to offer a unified and holistic security strategy, providing comprehensive protection against cyber threats and helping organizations maximize their current security investments. 

CyVent's Holistic Security Strategy

With a team of former CISOs, senior line executives, academic thought leaders, and technologists, CyVent uses an overarching philosophy of holistic cybersecurity to create solutions that fit the specific environment they serve. This includes assessing organizational cybersecurity monitoring tools, vetting technology partners, and keeping an eye on future developments.

This is how CyVent offers clients the maximum amount of protection possible. When we offer solutions such as Haven, a comprehensive, all-in-one cybersecurity suite, our clients know industry experts have carefully vetted each aspect of the technology.

Contact CyVent today to discuss your business cybersecurity needs and gain peace of mind knowing you have the right tools in place. Cybersecurity tooling is complex, but it's easy to schedule a completely confidential call with the experts at CyVent!